

  1. Miyoshi, T., S. Kotsuki, K. Terasaki, S. Otsuka, G.-Y. Lien, H. Yashiro, H. Tomita, M. Satoh, and E. Kalnay, 2020: Precipitation Ensemble Data Assimilation in NWP Models. In: Levizzani V., Kidd C., Kirschbaum D., Kummerow C., Nakamura K., Turk F. (eds) Satellite Precipitation Measurement. Advances in Global Change Research, 69, Springer, 983-991. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-35798-6_25
  2. Chang, C., S. G. Penny, and S. Yang, 2020: Hybrid Gain Data Assimilation Using Variational Corrections in the Subspace Orthogonal to the Ensemble. Mon. Wea. Rev., 148, 2331-2350. https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-19-0128.1
  3. Hsiang-Wen Cheng, Shu-Chih Yang, Yu-Chieng Liou, Ching-Sen Chen, 2020: An Investigation of the Sensitivity of Predicting a Severe Rainfall Event in Northern Taiwan to the Upstream Condition with a WRF-based Radar Data Assimilation System, SOLA, 2020, Volume 16, Pages 97-103
  4. Wu, P., S. Yang, C. Tsai, and H. Cheng, 2020: Convective-Scale Sampling Error and Its Impact on the Ensemble Radar Data Assimilation System: A Case Study of a Heavy Rainfall Event on 16 June 2008 in Taiwan. Mon. Wea. Rev., 148, 3631-3652. https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-19-0319.1.
  5. Tandeo, P., P. Ailliot, M. Bocquet, A. Carrassi, T. Miyoshi, M. Pulido, and Y. Zhen, 2020: A Review of Innovation-Based Methods to Jointly Estimate Model and Observation Error Covariance Matrices in Ensemble Data Assimilation. Mon. Wea. Rev., 148, 3973-3994. https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-19-0240.1
  6. Sawada, Y., 2020: Machine learning accelerates parameter optimization and uncertainty assessment of a land surface model, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 125, Issue20, e2020JD032688. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JD032688
  7. Kotsuki, S., Pensoneault, A., Okazaki, A. and Miyoshi, T., 2020: Weight Structure of the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter: A Case with an Intermediate AGCM., Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 146, Issue732, 3399-3415. doi:10.1002/qj.3852
  8. H. Yashiro, K. Terasaki, Y. Kawai, S. Kudo, T. Miyoshi, T. Imamura, K. Minami, H. Inoue, T. Nishiki, T. Saji, M. Satoh, and H. Tomita, 2020: A 1024-Member Ensemble Data Assimilation with 3.5-Km Mesh Global Weather Simulations, in SC20: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC), Atlanta, GA, US, 2020 pp. 1-10. doi: 10.1109/SC41405.2020.00005
  9. Amemiya, A. and Sato, K., 2020: Characterizing quasi-biweekly variability of the Asian monsoon anticyclone using potential vorticity and large-scale geopotential height field, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 13857-13876, 2020. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-2020-424
  10. Necker, T., S. Geiss, M. Weissmann, J. Ruiz, T. Miyoshi, G.-Y. Lien, 2020: A convective-scale 1000-member ensemble simulation and potential applications. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 146, 1423-1442. doi:10.1002/qj.3744
  11. Necker, T., M. Weissmann, Y. Ruckstuhl, J. Anderson, and T. Miyoshi, 2020: Sampling error correction evaluated using a convective-scale 1000-member ensemble. Mon. Wea. Rev., 148, 1229-1249. doi:10.1175/MWR-D-19-0154.1
  12. Maejima, Y. and T. Miyoshi, 2020: Impact of the window length of four-dimensional local ensemble transform Kalman filter: a case of convective rain event. SOLA, 16, 37-42. doi:10.2151/sola.2020-007
  13. Amemiya, A., T. Honda, and T. Miyoshi, 2020: Improving the observation operator for the Phased Array Weather Radar in the SCALE-LETKF system. SOLA, 16, 6-11. doi:10.2151/sola.2020-002
  14. Kotsuki S., Y. Sato, and T. Miyoshi, 2020: Data Assimilation for Climate Research: Model Parameter Estimation of Large Scale Condensation Scheme. J. Geophys. Res., 125, e2019JD031304. doi:10.1029/2019JD031304


  1. Kotsuki, S., Miyoshi, T., Kondo, K. and Potthast, R.: A Local Particle Filter and Its Gaussian Mixture Extension: Experiments with an Intermediate AGCM. RIKEN Data Assimilation Seminar, online, September 11, 2020.
  2. Keiichi Kondo, Shunji Kotsuki, Takemasa Miyoshi, A local particle filter based on non-Gaussian statistics using an intermediate AGCM, DA seminar, online, September 11, 2020.
  3. Takemasa Miyoshi, Big Data, Big Computation, and Machine Learning in Numerical Weather Prediction, Workshop on Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Quantification at the exascale, online, September 24, 2020.
  4. Takemasa Miyoshi, Big Data, Big Computation, and Machine Learning in Numerical Weather Prediction,Virtual Event: ECMWF-ESA Workshop on Machine Learning for Earth System Observation and Prediction, online, October 6, 2020.
  5. 三好 建正、ビッグデータとスーパーコンピュータによる豪雨予測 -世界最先端「ビッグデータ同化」の気象予測研究-、第25回日本難病看護学会 第8回日本難病医療ネットワーク学会合同学術集会、オンライン、2020年11月20日
  6. Takemasa Miyoshi, Predicting Sudden Local Storms by 30-second-update NWP Using Phased Array Weather Radar, KU-ITB Biweekly Webinar Series, online, November 27, 2020.


  1. 大石俊: 日本海洋学会奨励論文賞「Frontolysis by surface heat flux in the eastern Japan Sea: importance of mixed layer depth」 2020年11月28日.
  2. 三好建正: 令和2年度防災功労者内閣総理大臣表彰. 2020年9月1日.
  3. 大塚成徳: 令和元年度理化学研究所 桜舞賞 「新しい 3D 降水ナウキャスト手法の開発とリアルタイム実証」 2020年4月3日.


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