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Data Assimilation Seminar Series

Prof. Roland Potthast (Feb. 9, 2018, 15:30-)

Affiliation German Weather Service (DWD) / University of Reading
Title Data Assimilation From Minutes to Days
Abstract We discuss the challenges and difficulties to realize numerical weather prediction (NWP) in a seamless way, from minutes to days. Traditionally, high-resolution models are nested into mesoscale models and then into global models. Today, the integration of Nowcasting (NWC) with NWP, i.e. the seamless prediction of high-impact weather from the direct observation by remote sensing techniques such as RADAR or infrared (IR) instruments on satellites, receives particular research focus, since traditionally the NOWCASTING community employs techniques different from the NWP community, leading to incompatible forecasts. At DWD, with the SINFONY (Seamless integrated forecasting system) project, the development of seamless forecasting from minutes to 6-12h is aiming to make progress on the whole processing chain of both NWC and NWP. We will provide a survey of the SINFONY project landscape (including more than 20 research projects) and provide recent results on ultra-rapid data assimilation and forecasting in the nowcasting range based on the convective scale EPS.
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